70 China Faw dump trucks were successfully delivered!
Successful delivery! China Faw Import and Export Company successfully held the delivery ceremony of Lesotho Highland water conservancy project.
Hundreds of FAW Jiefang J7 tractors were exported overseas for the first time
Recently, hundreds of Jiefang J7 tractors were gathered at the port in an orderly manner, ready to be delivered to overseas users. From the domestic to the world, the export of hundreds of Jiefang J7 tractors shows that the independent high-end heavy trucks of Jiefang brand have won recognition in overseas markets, and FAW Jiefang is accelerating towards a new journey of "world class".
Toyota Camry Cars are ready to be exported to Russia.
On May 22, 2023, a large batch of Toyota Camry second-hand cars arrived at our showroom and were ready to be exported to Russia.
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